The Power of Conservation. We use this phrase frequently in the soil and water arena.
The simple act of conserving our natural resources is, in my mind, a very powerful daily job that Soil and Water Conservation Districts and our Indiana Conservation Partners are deeply committed to.
It is an act that each one of us hopefully does every day in some way, whether we live on a farm, in a large urban environment, or a small town.
Right now that power of conservation can be seen in action across Indiana farm fields as cover crops are taking hold, setting deep roots into our Hoosier soils. Cover crops, that will protect the soil over the winter, provide rich nutrients and fertilizers for spring crops while improving and preparing the soil for spring planting.
The power of conservation is visible in neighborhoods all over Indiana on any given day as recycling bins are set curbside for trash pickup, or as leaves and other fall garden debris are collected and composted.
The rewards are forthcoming. Some are in the short-term. Many will be seen years down the road. We all have a stake in today's actions, because they affect tomorrow's rewards.
If you are committed to our soil and water resources, join us January 7-9, 2013, for The Power of Conservation: Today's Actions, Tomorrow's Rewards. It is the 70th Annual Conference of Indiana Soil and Water Conservation Districts at the Indianapolis Downtown Marriott.
You'll find 12 excellent hands-on training sessions, keynote speakers, and exhibitors designed to provide you with the tools you'll need for The Power of Conservation: Today's actions, Tomorrow's Rewards.