Welcome back after a long holiday weekend! The season has just begun and the IASWCD office is busy preparing for the
2012 Annual Conference of SWCDs. The theme is The Power of Conservation: Local Action with Global Impacts! This will be the 69th time this educational and informative conference has been offered to the conservationists of Indiana, and we are looking forward to it! It will take place January 9-12 in downtown Indianapolis. For more information and to register, check out our website
There are still exhibitor booths available for any organization or company that would like to seize this excellent opportunity to reach out to the over 400 conservationists that will be in attendance at the conference. For more information, please contact
Liz Rice, our project assistant.
This year, IASWCD was pleased to be able to offer up to 10 full conference scholarships to local Soil and Water Conservation District supervisors. (Supervisors serve as board members to their local SWCD. In Indiana, there are 92 SWCDs - one for each county.
Learn more about supervisors, their role in promoting conservation, and how you can be one
here!) The application deadline for this year has past (we awarded 7 full scholarships), but be ready to apply again in 2013!

IASWCD is also offering two grants of $750 apiece to the two SWCDs that recruit the most supervisors, staff, or associate supervisors to go to Conference this year. Those recruited must meet these criteria: 1) they have never been to Conference before, or 2) they must not have been to Conference since 2008. Recruiters may recruit individuals from outside of their own District. More information and the application can be found
here. It is due January 4.
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